Truffle Season 2024 -Updated information for online ordering

Truffle Season 2024 -Updated information for online  ordering One of the coldest Autumns on record has kicked our truffle season into gear earlier than usual.With the first our tantalising tastes mid-May, there was a mixed harvest of early-Truffles at the end of May.Unusually, these were the only truffles in Melbourne for the first day of Winter, as interstate suppliers had a warm Autumn counter to our cold one. Farmgate hours for;June were 1pm to 5pm, Sat, Sun, and by appointment during the week, JULY expected to be different, check the Google Map  Any unexpected c [...]  Read more >

Grading Truffle versus Classifying

Truffle Grading “We don't care to eat toadstools that think they are truffles.” — Mark Twain. Commonly truffles are classified by a size/shape system that indicates nothing about their actual eating qualities.To grade a truffle on qualities of flavour and aroma takes substantial experience, (and the opportunity to see, smell, eat top quality vs mediocre truffles more commonly available). A grading system that describes indicates actual quality A grade Aromatic, All a truffle should be, [...]  Read more >
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